Friday, December 23, 2005
What If I were a Solipsist? (You would not exist!)
Did you know that some people believe that THEY are all that exists in the universe? They (Solipsists) believe that everything they see, hear, feel and know, is made up in their own minds. For example; When you are standing in front of a person with solipsism, they see the YOU that they make up in their own mind... YOU are standing in front of them because THEY made you up and put you there... You really only exist in THEIR imagination. When they turn around away from you... you no longer exist. When they turn back around, the imagine you again.
Trees only exist because they "make them up". The sky is blue because THEIR imagination makes it blue to them. Sounds kind of cool, but the problem is... Their consciousness and subconsciously are not something they can really control. They can't control what they make up.
The disorder is called Solipsism Syndrome. If you'd like more information, do a Google Search or go to this site;
If you would like to become a Solipsist, just think long and hard about the possibility that you... and ONLY you/your consciousness exists. That everything around you is a figment of your own imagination. That you are making this all up as you go along.
If you do develop Solipsism though.... and think that only YOU exist... Remember who told you about this syndrome. Me. (proof that it is only I that exist and not you).
I wonder what would happen if you put two people with Solipsism into a locked room?
Wow, I may be on to something here... a new Reality show called "Solipsism Island"!
Trailer= "We've taken 14 people who all believe that the world is all about them and placed them on a remote desert Island with nothing but long pointed sticks."... "Tune in and see which one is REALLY the only real person!"
He/she will be the one person left who does NOT have a long pointed stick stuck in them!
My next post (if you decide that I still exist) will be a discussion about Relativity (not to be confused with Einstein's theory of Relativity... that will be discussed at a later time).
To be more specific... I'll be explaining the fact that Relativity is absolutely relative (think about it!).
Trees only exist because they "make them up". The sky is blue because THEIR imagination makes it blue to them. Sounds kind of cool, but the problem is... Their consciousness and subconsciously are not something they can really control. They can't control what they make up.
The disorder is called Solipsism Syndrome. If you'd like more information, do a Google Search or go to this site;
If you would like to become a Solipsist, just think long and hard about the possibility that you... and ONLY you/your consciousness exists. That everything around you is a figment of your own imagination. That you are making this all up as you go along.
If you do develop Solipsism though.... and think that only YOU exist... Remember who told you about this syndrome. Me. (proof that it is only I that exist and not you).
I wonder what would happen if you put two people with Solipsism into a locked room?
Wow, I may be on to something here... a new Reality show called "Solipsism Island"!
Trailer= "We've taken 14 people who all believe that the world is all about them and placed them on a remote desert Island with nothing but long pointed sticks."... "Tune in and see which one is REALLY the only real person!"
He/she will be the one person left who does NOT have a long pointed stick stuck in them!
My next post (if you decide that I still exist) will be a discussion about Relativity (not to be confused with Einstein's theory of Relativity... that will be discussed at a later time).
To be more specific... I'll be explaining the fact that Relativity is absolutely relative (think about it!).